Study Abrod Consultancy

Overseas Eductaion – ECS IELTS

What is IELTS English Listening Test format

Each organisation sets its own entry requirements. In some cases, both the Academic and General Training module may be accepted. If you are in doubt as to which module to take, you should contact the organisation to which you are applying to confirm their requirements.

IELTS for UKVI is a UK government-approved Secure English Language Test (SELT). This means that IELTS can be used to prove your English language abilities in support of a UK Visa and Immigration (UKVI) application.

Test format

The actual test taken is the same for both IELTS and IELTS for UKVI, with the same content, examiners, format, level of difficulty, scoring and so on. The only difference between the two is that IELTS for UKVI is administered in a test venue with video recording and CCTV facilities.

The Listening, Reading and Writing components of all IELTS tests are completed on the same day. The order in which these tests are taken may vary. There are no breaks between these three tests. The Speaking component, however, can be completed up to a week before or after the other tests.

Listening (Time: 30 minutes, plus 10 minutes extra to transfer your answer to the answer sheet)

There are four sections, which include both monologues and conversations. A variety of voices and accents are used and each section is played only once.

IELTS Life Skills is a speaking and listening test. You will take the test face-to-face with an examiner, along with one other candidate. You will participate in a structured conversation listening and responding to a selection of tasks.

The tasks in IELTS Life Skills are designed to reflect the everyday experience of communicating in an English-speaking country. You will be expected to take part in short discussions on everyday subjects.