Study Abrod Consultancy

Overseas Eductaion – ECS IELTS

Speaking & Writing: Answer Short Question PTE coaching

Speaking & Writing: Answer Short Question PTE coaching


After listening to a question, answer with a single word or a few words.

Skills assessed

listening and speaking

Prompt length

3-9 seconds

Time to answer

10 seconds

All test takers should prepare for PTE Academic, even if English is your first language.

Test takers who consider themselves to be fluent in English sometimes score less well in English tests than they could have, because lack of preparation affects their performance on the day.

Complete the preparation path to give yourself the best chance of performing well on the day!

The audio begins to play automatically. You may also see an image.

When the audio finishes, the microphone opens and the recording status box shows “Recording”. Speak into the microphone immediately (there is no short tone) and answer the question with one or a few words.

You should speak clearly. There is no need to rush.

Finish speaking before the progress bar reaches the end. The word “Recording” changes to “Completed”.

You are not able to replay the audio. You are only able to record your response once.