Category: TOEFL Exam Preparation
Writing an essay training in ECSIELTS
Writing an essay training in ECSIELTS Your response for Highlight Correct Summary is judged on your ability to comprehend, analyze and combine information from a recording and identify the most accurate summary of the recording. Your response is scored as either correct or incorrect. No credit is given for no response or an incorrect response.
IELTS Preparation English communications – ECSIELTS
IELTS Preparation English communications – ECSIELTS Extracts from books, magazines, newspapers, notices, advertisements, company handbooks and guidelines. These are materials you are likely to encounter on a daily basis in an English-speaking environment. The IELTS Writing test is designed to assess a wide range of writing skills, including how well you write a response appropriately
How is listening ability assessed in OET – ECSIELTS
How is listening ability assessed in OET – ECSIELTS The Listening sub-test is designed to assess a range of listening skills, such as identifying specific information, detail, gist, opinion or the speaker’s purpose. These skills are assessed through note-completion tasks and multiple-choice questions. Assessors who mark the Listening sub-test are qualified and highly trained. Candidate
Learn about the question types ielts english prepartion
Learn about the question types ielts english prepartion Both the IELTS Academic and General Training tests are made up of 4 test parts – Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. The question types in each part of the test are different. Get familiar with the question types you might encounter in each test part, and the
Which is easier, PTE or IELTS training
Which is easier, PTE or IELTS training PTE is easier to score, one just needs to learn its strategies well and practise rigorously. Self-study does not work in PTE as without guided practice, one does not know where one is going wrong. PTE is a hugely well guarded secret, so for that matter no authentic
ONLINE PTE Coaching in kumbakonam
ONLINE PTE Coaching in kumbakonam PTE test is quite different from IELTS, it is considered relatively easier to score and many test takers score 90/90 after preparing with us. PTE test is checked by a software and it examines your analytical ability along with testing your English. Understanding test strategies and tips and then applying
TEFL teachers teaching systems of training
TEFL teachers teaching systems of training There is no single demographic that sums up TEFL teachers worldwide as the profession is open to a wide range of people who have an equally wide range of reasons for doing so. Many are driven by a passion for exploring the world in more depth than simple tourism
Teaching English a TEFL and TOEFL Certificate from ASIELTS
Teaching English a TEFL and TOEFL Certificate from ASIELTS A TEFL certificate is also a great way to start a lifestyle of teaching online. Whether you want to teach online full-time or earn some money on the side, a TEFL certificate from ASIELTS will allow you to make this a reality. Our 170-hour Teaching English
International TEFL and TESOL Training
International TEFL and TESOL Training The acronym TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language. While this term is used for the physical act of actually teaching English abroad, it is also commonly used to refer to the training courses that many prospective teachers complete before heading overseas, as well as the qualification they
Listening Write From Dictation in PTE training
Listening Write From Dictation in PTE training Task After listening to a recording of a sentence, type the sentence. Skills assessed listening and writing Prompt length 3-5 seconds The audio begins to play automatically. You are only able to listen to the audio recording once. Note: While the audio is playing, you can take notes